APM Settings - NDX Momentum

( For more information on APM settings please refer to the APM Documentation ).

( For video demo / information on APM Setup and Integration please refer to this Documentation ).


Each User might want to consider modifying the settings highlighted in Red to suit their individualized needs/objectives.  (* See below Note:)

GDrive Folder ID - is the folder ID code found after "GDrive Folder ID (for APM Automation Integration)" on each Strategy's specific Strategy Scan page.  Each Strategy has a unique ID.

Strategy Name - You can call this Strategy whatever you like for easy reference.  We suggest naming it something close to the Strategy's original name.

Strategy Allocation - This is the specific portion of your entire brokerage account that you want to allocate to this specific Strategy.  Example: If you have $100,000 and set this to 10%, then $10,000 will be allocated to this Strategy.  The relative amounts will adjust as your physical account size changes.

Enable Scheduler - Leave checked for Full-Automation (Auto Pilot) mode.  Unchecked for Semi-Automation mode (where you will be able to preview the trades before manually running the Strategy by clicking the little 'play' button underneath the checkbox to force the Strategy to run).

Run Strategy - If you hover over the 'Run Strategy' label, it will show what the time string is set at.  This represents the time at which the Strategy will actually run and trades will execute.  We suggest setting time as is, unless you want to specifically run the Strategy at a different time of day.  Strategies that use Market On Open (MOO) orders should be set to 30 minutes before the market opens and Market On Close (MOC) orders should be set to 30 minutes before the market closes to allow enough time for the orders to be received (by the broker and exchange) and active in the queue -- otherwise they may be rejected or not execute if not received early enough.

Send Email After Strategy Runs - Check if you want APM to send you an email notifying you that the Strategy has run and the Strategy's activity.  Your email will need to be set up in the 'Account Settings' screen.

Order Limits - These settings may need to change depending on your Account Size and preferences.  These settings just put constraints on the min, max stock price and min, max order values.  For more info please refer to the documentationNote from Mountain Trading : the order limits for stock price should be increased to at least $5000. A number of stocks in the NDX are now over $1000.


The Alera Portfolio Manager (APM) Strategy settings have been configured and set in accordance with the Strategy Developer's Objectives and Backtesting results -- specifically the 'Max Number of Positions' and 'Custom Lot Size'. 

All Entries, Stops and Targets are also typically programmed into the Strategy Rules and reflected by the Strategy's specific Buy and Sell signals that are generated each day.  In other words, if a position needs to stop out, or, target out, it will receive an appropriate Sell signal for that day (dependent on the Strategy, and, Developer's specific rules and objectives).  So, the Strategy logic will not typically need to be overridden by APM's other customized settings/options.  For example, settings related to 'Position Management' are not needed in most cases. 

All Users are welcome to change ANY of the settings to suit their needs, however, these are the recommended settings.  As such, these settings are in alignment with the Strategy Developer's objectives, optimizations and backtest.  If you do decide to override settings, please make sure that you first understand what the settings do and the resulting impact it might have on the Strategy in live market conditions.

All Users should paper test each strategy using a free paper trading instance of APM for as long as is required, in order that the User clearly understand the risks and day to day operation of each strategy, potential results and/or the effect any changes in settings might have on the real-time operation of any Strategy.