
Signal Provider Integration Services

Control Your Message and Branding on Your Own Site.

Add Value.

Are you a website operator that wants to generate an additional recurring revenue stream? While providing value to your members AND leveraging your own branding?

Offer your clients or members access to your best trading or investing models and strategies in an attractive, "done for you" way as a recurring subscription model.  Win-Win!

Your Own Strategy Scans.

Signal Provider Integration Services - 1

Simplicity with Daily 'Strategy Scans'.

No complicated settings.  Just output the actionable end-result of your trading or investing models for your audience to see each day.  We call these "Strategy Scans".

Strategy Scans are turn-key, improved versions of 'traditional one-sided scans'.

  • Updated Daily/Weekly/Monthly as per model requirements.
  • Seamless integration into websites like WordPress.
  • Automated computerized list generation and posting to your site so there are no manual updates needed, unless you choose to use discretionary methods.

Alera Portfolio Manager.


"Consistent Processes lead to Consistent Outcomes."

"Done For You" Efficiency.

Your members can easily access individual or multiple strategies from your (protected) website Strategy Scans and process the ticker symbols in their own brokerage account.

Made possible with Alera Portfolio Manager (APM).

  • Your members can run APM on their own computer (or in the cloud).
  • APM authenticates with your membership site & can pull the signals directly into your member's individual APM software client.
  • Your members make all of their own decisions and can run one strategy or multiple strategies.
  • Portfolio-level strategies.
  • APM manages "interference" between different strategies so that tickers from one strategy aren't affected by other strategies.
  • No duplicate orders no matter how many times the same orders are sent to market.
  • Prevents order entry mistakes.
  • Each strategy can be a portfolio.
  • Each strategy can be provisioned as a percentage of the entire account.
  • Each position within each strategy can be provisioned as a percentage of the strategy.
  • Semi Automatic mode and order preview allows the user to maintain 100% control over which tickers to process, when and even "if".
  • Full Automatic mode allows the confident user to run in "auto pilot".
  • Dramatically reduces time spent EACH day.
  • Help your members reduce or eliminate "analysis paralysis, emotional impact, fight or flight, decision fatigue, stress" and other emotion or "trader psychology" related issues.
  • Improves Consistency.

Contact Us and Let's Start a Discussion!
