The PnL Chart And Other Cool New Features in Alera Portfolio Manager
As you may know, Alera Portfolio Manager (APM) is our trading/investing software automation platform of choice. It allows us to Semi or Fully automate multiple portfolio-level Systematic Strategies. In other words, it handles our entire trading from A to Z with very little intervention needed each day. This allows us to be as CONSISTENT as possible.

Alera Trading just added a super cool new feature into the software that allows for Performance Tracking of the PnL on a strategy by strategy basis.

The sooner you install the new update, the sooner you can start collecting data on your live strategies. This works for both paper trading (paper testing) and live trading accounts.
Another feature described in the below video is "Strategy Priority". In case I wasn't clear in the video that follows, using Strategy Priority allows a Strategy to take over a ticker symbol from an existing Strategy only when the Strategy with higher priority has a new buy signal (and another Strategy with lower priority already owns the same ticker symbol). APM will move that ticker symbol over to the higher priority Strategy and re-size the position according to that Strategy's position sizing setup.
Enjoy the following video, and don't forget to download and install the latest version (3.1.3 as of this writing) of Alera Portfolio Manager (APM) for your testing or live auto trading needs! May the Systematic Trading gods forever be in your favour! 🙂